Monday, December 19, 2011

An Evening Out

I didn't take any pictures, lest our friends realize just how much of a dork I am, but wanted to mention our adult evening out.  Our very dear friends hosted their annual Christmas dinner/get-together on Friday night.  It was so nice to take a break from family-oriented celebrating and enjoy some adult conversation (you know, that didn't entail supervising, referreeing, or assisting with multiple trips to the potty.)

We had one of James' former teachers over to babysit - and gladly left our post pre-school party/sugar-hyped up children in the care of capable hands.  Can I just pause for a moment and say how much I appreciate good babysitters?  The kind that (even though not expected nor requested) pick up the kids' toys after they play with them, wash the dishes in the sink, and wipe off the counter?  It's so nice to come home from a long night out and not have to do a single thing other than turn off lights and go to bed.

Anyway - it was loads of fun.  Good food.  Good drink. Fun conversation.  Laughter.  Fellowship.  Overall, a wonderful night out.

Can't wait for the next adult gathering!!!

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