Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Look out world - here he comes!

Yesterday morning I discovered that our sweet baby boy had cut his first tooth. He'd been gnawing on anything and everything non-stop for a few weeks now - and for some reason I decided to stick my finger (yes, pre-washed and clean) and rub his slobbery gums. Right there, on the bottom front, I felt it - the rough edges of his very first tooth.

I'm so happy it's finally come through - but must admit it is a tad bittersweet - Jack is our last baby - and I love his wide gummy smiles. His babyhood is rapidly progressing - and I know it will seem like just a matter of days when he is taking his first steps and turning into a toddler.

And speaking of movement - another big first yesterday evening - Jack started crawling forward! He's been backing up for weeks now - up on all fours, pushing back and scooting across the floor - but last night was the first time he'd figured out how to move one hand, then the other, then pull his knees up to actually position his body forward.

I can't believe it - Houston, we have a crawler!

Of course, once the encouragement ended, I promptly looked at Anna and James and asked them "do you know what this means?" Anna replies "that Jack is a toddler!" "No sweetie, not yet, but it does meant that all of your little pieces and parts of toys, barbie shoes, bits of crayon, legos, etc.. need to be picked up - so Jack doesn't choke on them."

We'll see how operation pick-up-your-toys goes - I'll keep you posted.

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