Saturday, June 13, 2009

Potty Time

It's potty time around the Long house again - as James has reached the magical age of peeing and pooping on the potty. He's done really well so far - we started him in big boy underpants at school on Monday (or "briefs" as his teacher calls them). He had one accident the first morning - and had been great all week. Wednesday he came home with a pile of wet clothes - which we learned was a factor of not pulling his pants down all the way rather than not making it to the potty on time.

Then came Friday. He had a great day at school. I picked him up early to take him to get a much needed haircut. His teacher told me he had pottied right before I arrived, so we were good to go.

We arrive at Hairdoodles. We go to the potty - his shorts feel wet. I try to get him to go potty - but he's afraid of the big potty saying "I gonna fall" - so he couldn't relax to go. I figured if he had to go - he would, right?

We go to the waiting room/play room until his hair stylist is ready for him. We're in there no more than two minutes when I look over to the little table with toys to see him making a face and pee running down his leg.

No change of clothes. No wipes.

Thankfully I still had an extra diaper in my pocketbook - and the bathroom was stocked with paper towels - and he was wearing swim trunks from water day at school - so I was able to throw away the wet undies - dry him up with a paper towel - rinse out his Crocs - slap a diaper on him - and be thankful that his swim trunks air dry quickly so there's no evidence of the mishap.

The comes Saturday.

He gets dressed in the morning - right away has an accident. Okay, no big deal. We go potty before we leave to have family portraits taken with Bridget - potty again as soon as we get to her house - potty again when we get home - he's doing great! He's telling us he has to go!

After lunch Deonne takes the kids up for their nap while I settle in to nurse Jack. I hear the desperate cries of Deonne "James - don't poop on the floor!" Apparently he sat on the potty, peed, then while waiting for Deonne to get his diaper ready for nap-time (b/c we're not waking up dry from naps yet) and standing on the steps to wash his hands - dropped a load.

On the floor.

And when Deonne laid him on the carpet in the hall to put the diaper on - dropped some more.

On the carpet.

I hate potty training.

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