Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Conversation with Anna

We're driving home from Vacation Bible School this afternoon - Anna, Jack, and I - listening to Anna's new VBS CD that has a few songs from the week long adventure she is on. One of them (I can't remember the title) has lyrics describing the resurrection. What's resurrection she asks. I talk about how Jesus died on the cross and three days later went to Heaven - and how that is resurrection.

She says "oh - someday I'll be in Heaven."
"With God my Father in Heaven, right?"
Yes sweetie.
"Your daddy is in Heaven, right?"
Yes, Anna, he is.
"I'll bet he's having fun up there."
Yes, Anna, I sure hope he is.

And Daddy, I do hope you're having fun up there - with calm seas and smooth sailing. And I hope you know just how much you're missed here - not only by me, but by your beautiful granddaugher who barely remembers you.

** Edited to add - on the way to pick up James from pre-school, Anna tells me "mommy, I'm so glad there's a little bit of Jesus in my heart." So so so precious.

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