Sunday, December 6, 2009


The Long Family Nativity Set: Deonne and I began collecting this set the year we were married - the Holy Family the first year, the Wise Men the next (because we were married on Twelfth Night and always feel a special connection to Epiphany), the Shepherds the next, and so on until we had the whole set. (Minus the animals - which I'd love to find someday.)


When I was a child, I loved Christmas, for many reasons - the baking, the cookies, the music (which I made taped recordings of from my parents old LPs), the decorating, the gifts, and probably most importantly, the Nativity.

My mom had this beautiful hand carved Nativity set that she brought back from her travels to Europe as a college grad - that I loved to stand and marvel at. Oh how I wished I could put my hands on the delicately carved figurines, but I knew better. If I dared, I'd have severe consequence to pay.

So, I decided to act out the Nativity myself. I'd take a blanket, cover my head like Mary, wrap up one of my babies in another blanket, place Him in the cradle, sing Silent Night, and relive the whole Holy night.

I tried many a-time to get my brother to play along - to be Joseph to my Mary - but he would have none of it.

So it came as no surprise when I returned home from the Junior League Holiday Market the other night to Deonne telling me to look at the camera - there were pictures on it I needed to see.

Anna is following in her mother's footsteps.

And luckily for her - James is more than willing to be Joseph.

The only problem - explaining to Anna that Mary is not bossy, she doesn't dictate to Joseph how to act, and if Joseph wants Elmo to be the Holy child - that's okay too.

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